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- Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
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- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the south and west by the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a megadiverse country, with habitats ranging from the arid plains of the Pacific coastal region in the west, to the peaks of the Andes mountains extending from the north to the southeast of the country, to the tropical Amazon basin rainforest in the east with the Amazon River. Peru has a population of over 32 million, and its capital and largest city is Lima. At 1,285,216 km2 (496,225 sq mi), Peru is the 19th largest country in the world, and the third largest in South America.
Peruvian territory was home to several cultures during the ancient and medieval periods, and has one of the longest histories of civilization of any country, tracing its heritage back to the 10th millennium BCE. Notable pre-colonial cultures and civilizations include the Caral–Supe civilization (the earliest civilization in the Americas and considered one of the cradles of civilization), the Nazca culture, the Wari and Tiwanaku empires, the Kingdom of Cusco, and the Inca Empi... [Дагы]
- Акыркы : 3.7871-
- Бийик : 3.7871-
- Төмөн : 3.712-
- Макс термелүүсү : 0.08-
- Макс термелүүсү% : 0%-
- Ачык : 3.712-
- Убакыт : 17:39:17-
- Кечээ : 3.715-
- % Өзгөртүү : 1.94%-
- Өзгөртүү : 0.0721-
- Акыркы : 3.91-
- Бийик : 3.91-
- Төмөн : 3.91-
- Макс термелүүсү : --
- Макс термелүүсү% : --
- Ачык : 3.91-
- Убакыт : 16:02:49-
- Кечээ : 3.9156-
- % Өзгөртүү : 0.14%-
- Өзгөртүү : 0.0056-
Peru Currency Markets
Peru Indices
Peru Bonds
Peru ETFs
Көрсөткүч | Мааниси | Мурунку | Төмөн | Бийик | Өзгөртүү | % Өзгөртүү | Убакыт | Диаграмма |
iShares MSCI Chile Capped | 27.04 | - | 27.04 | 27.04 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 2025/01/26 Убакыт 12:55 |
Экономикалык көрсөткүчтөр божомолу
Indicator | Last | Time | Previous | Metric |
Balance of Trade |
2424 | 24 Nov | 1808 | USD Million |
Bank Lending Rate |
0.76 | 25 Jan | 0.76 | percent |
Business Confidence |
50 | 24 Dec | 50.6 | points |
CPI Housing Utilities |
106 | 25 Jan | 106 | points |
CPI Transportation |
115 | 25 Jan | 116 | points |
Changes in Inventories |
-7500 | 24 Sep | -7457 | PEN Million |
Consumer Credit |
101883 | 24 Dec | 101662 | PEN Million |
Consumer Price Index CPI |
114 | 25 Jan | 114 | points |
Consumer Spending |
96225 | 24 Sep | 98860 | PEN Million |
Copper Production |
236797 | 24 Oct | 232423 | Tonnes |
Core Consumer Prices |
114 | 25 Jan | 114 | points |
Core Inflation Rate |
2.53 | 25 Jan | 2.57 | percent |
Corporate Tax Rate |
29.5 | 25 Dec | 29.5 | percent |
Corruption Index |
33 | 23 Dec | 36 | Points |
Corruption Rank |
121 | 23 Dec | 101 | |
Credit Rating |
60 | 25 Feb | ||
Crude Oil Production |
37 | 24 Oct | 35 | BBL/D/1K |
Currency |
3.71 | 25 Feb | 3.73 | |
Current Account |
1870 | 24 Sep | 1672 | USD Million |
Current Account to GDP |
0.6 | 23 Dec | -4 | percent of GDP |
Deposit Interest Rate |
4.82 | 22 Dec | 0.7 | percent |
Employed Persons |
5459 | 24 Dec | 5564 | Thousand |
Employment Rate |
93.6 | 24 Dec | 94.3 | percent |
Export Prices |
173 | 24 Nov | 175 | points |
Exports |
7039 | 24 Nov | 6602 | USD Million |
External Debt |
167209 | 24 Sep | 166202 | USD Million |
External Debt to GDP |
14.4 | 23 Dec | 15.9 | percent of GDP |
Fiscal Expenditure |
20063 | 24 Dec | 12893 | PEN Million |
Food Inflation |
-0.25 | 25 Jan | 0.06 | percent |
Foreign Direct Investment |
1667 | 24 Sep | -934 | USD Million |
Foreign Exchange Reserves |
78986 | 24 Dec | 83228 | USD Million |
Full Year GDP Growth |
-0.55 | 23 Dec | 2.68 | percent |
268 | 23 Dec | 246 | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate |
3.8 | 24 Sep | 3.6 | percent |
GDP Constant Prices |
148178 | 24 Sep | 145503 | PEN Million |
GDP Growth Rate |
0.7 | 24 Sep | 1.2 | percent |
GDP from Agriculture |
7936 | 24 Sep | 11147 | PEN Million |
GDP from Construction |
9448 | 24 Sep | 8478 | PEN Million |
GDP from Manufacturing |
16977 | 24 Sep | 17654 | PEN Million |
GDP from Mining |
18109 | 24 Sep | 17145 | PEN Million |
GDP from Public Administration |
8424 | 24 Sep | 7845 | PEN Million |
GDP from Services |
16153 | 24 Sep | 15758 | PEN Million |
GDP from Transport |
8022 | 24 Sep | 7856 | PEN Million |
GDP from Utilities |
2794 | 24 Sep | 2771 | PEN Million |
GDP per Capita |
6456 | 23 Dec | 6549 | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP |
15068 | 23 Dec | 15287 | USD |
Gasoline Prices |
1.11 | 25 Jan | 1.1 | USD/Liter |
Gold Production |
9055 | 24 Sep | 8754 | Kg |
Gold Reserves |
34.67 | 24 Jun | 34.67 | Tonnes |
Government Budget |
-1.7 | 22 Dec | -2.5 | percent of GDP |
Government Budget Value |
-11671 | 24 Dec | -872 | PEN Million |
Government Debt to GDP |
33 | 23 Dec | 34 | percent of GDP |
Government Revenues |
16290 | 24 Dec | 16006 | PEN Million |
Government Spending |
20610 | 24 Sep | 19601 | PEN Million |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
36664 | 24 Sep | 33411 | PEN Million |
Import Prices |
139 | 24 Nov | 138 | points |
Imports |
4615 | 24 Nov | 4792 | USD Million |
Industrial Production |
3.3 | 24 Nov | 3.3 | percent |
Inflation Rate |
1.85 | 25 Jan | 1.97 | percent |
Inflation Rate MoM |
-0.09 | 25 Jan | 0.11 | percent |
Interest Rate |
4.75 | 25 Jan | 5 | percent |
Leading Economic Index |
3.93 | 24 Nov | 3.38 | percent |
Loans to Private Sector |
249996 | 24 Dec | 250343 | PEN Million |
Military Expenditure |
3001 | 23 Dec | 2799 | USD Million |
Minimum Wages |
1130 | 25 Jan | 1025 | PEN/Month |
Money Supply M0 |
85671 | 24 Dec | 83035 | PEN Million |
Money Supply M1 |
161479 | 24 Dec | 158082 | PEN Million |
Money Supply M2 |
344028 | 24 Dec | 336802 | PEN Million |
Monthly GDP YoY |
3.93 | 24 Nov | 3.38 | percent |
Personal Income Tax Rate |
30 | 25 Dec | 30 | percent |
Population |
33.73 | 23 Dec | 33.4 | Million |
Private Sector Credit |
461274 | 24 Dec | 460805 | PEN Million |
Producer Prices |
131 | 24 Dec | 131 | points |
Remittances |
1231 | 24 Sep | 1241 | USD Million |
Residential Property Prices |
0.08 | 24 Sep | 0.44 | Percent |
Stock Market |
29533 | 25 Feb | 29561 | points |
Terms of Trade |
125 | 24 Nov | 127 | points |
Terrorism Index |
2.05 | 23 Dec | 3.86 | Points |
Tourist Arrivals |
2009275 | 22 Dec | 444331 | |
Unemployed Persons |
376 | 24 Dec | 334 | Thousand |
Unemployment Rate |
6.4 | 24 Dec | 5.7 | percent |
Wages |
2114 | 24 Dec | 2067 | PEN/Month |
Көрсөткүч | Actual | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Metric |
Balance of Trade | 2424 | 1675 | 2160 | 1360 | 1550 | USD Million |
Business Confidence | 50 | 49.7 | 48.2 | 47.1 | 49.5 | points |
CPI Housing Utilities | 106 | 106 | 107 | 107 | 108 | points |
CPI Transportation | 115 | 115 | 115 | 115 | 116 | points |
Consumer Credit | 101883 | 103745 | 104132 | 102641 | 105144 | PEN Million |
Consumer Price Index CPI | 114 | 115.91 | 115.66 | 116.1 | 116.45 | points |
Consumer Spending | 96225 | 92338 | 101134 | 99112 | 99304 | PEN Million |
Copper Production | 236797 | 211040 | 213044 | 214000 | 217000 | Tonnes |
Core Inflation Rate | 2.53 | 3.2 | 3.4 | 2.8 | 3 | percent |
Currency | 3.71 | 3.75 | 3.77 | 3.8 | 3.82 | |
Current Account | 1870 | 1350 | 1230 | 700 | 500 | USD Million |
Current Account to GDP | 0.6 | -0.9 | -1.5 | -1.5 | percent of GDP | |
Exports | 7039 | 5800 | 6250 | 6050 | 5900 | USD Million |
Food Inflation | -0.25 | 1.5 | 2 | 1.8 | 2.4 | percent |
Full Year GDP Growth | -0.55 | 2.7 | percent | |||
GDP | 268 | 274.83 | 281.42 | 288.18 | USD Billion | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 3.8 | 1 | 2.3 | 3 | 3.2 | percent |
GDP Constant Prices | 148178 | 136239 | 148850 | 152623 | 152920 | PEN Million |
GDP Growth Rate | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.5 | 1.2 | 0.6 | percent |
GDP from Agriculture | 7936 | 7450 | 11403 | 8174 | 8190 | PEN Million |
GDP from Construction | 9448 | 7631 | 8673 | 9731 | 9750 | PEN Million |
GDP from Manufacturing | 16977 | 15789 | 18060 | 17486 | 17520 | PEN Million |
GDP from Mining | 18109 | 17106 | 17539 | 18652 | 18688 | PEN Million |
GDP from Public Administration | 8424 | 7808 | 8025 | 8677 | 8694 | PEN Million |
GDP from Services | 16153 | 13741 | 16120 | 16638 | 16670 | PEN Million |
GDP from Transport | 8022 | 7521 | 8037 | 8263 | 8279 | PEN Million |
GDP from Utilities | 2794 | 2862 | 2835 | 2878 | 2883 | PEN Million |
GDP per Capita | 6456 | 6630 | 6789 | 6952 | USD | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP | 15068 | 15475 | 15847 | 16227 | USD | USD |
Gasoline Prices | 1.11 | 1.1 | 1.12 | 1.14 | 1.15 | USD/Liter |
Government Budget | -1.7 | -1.24 | -1 | -1 | percent of GDP | |
Government Debt to GDP | 33 | 35 | 36 | 36 | percent of GDP | |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation | 36664 | 30580 | 34180 | 37764 | 37838 | PEN Million |
Imports | 4615 | 4125 | 4090 | 4690 | 4350 | USD Million |
Industrial Production | 3.3 | 2.9 | 3.2 | 2.8 | 2.5 | percent |
Inflation Rate | 1.85 | 1.9 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 2 | percent |
Inflation Rate MoM | -0.09 | -0.1 | 0.2 | -0.2 | 0.5 | percent |
Interest Rate | 4.75 | 4.75 | 4.75 | 4.5 | 4.5 | percent |
Loans to Private Sector | 249996 | 248183 | 256765 | 258198 | 257996 | PEN Million |
Minimum Wages | 1130 | 1128 | 1200 | 1200 | PEN/Month | PEN/Month |
Population | 33.73 | 34.36 | 34.61 | 34.61 | Million | Million |
Private Sector Credit | 461274 | 459039 | 472293 | 470618 | 476035 | PEN Million |
Stock Market | 29533 | 18349 | 18184 | 18019 | 17858 | points |
Unemployment Rate | 6.4 | 7.5 | 6.2 | 6.2 | 6.5 | percent |